Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Convicting Silence: Functional Fiction

Today I write because my silence condemns me. A block has occured to thwart
my meagre abilities and frustrate my ambitious desires to add comment where
those that care to care can share.

SITREP: Exams and assignments for semester one over and the liberty of no
guilt when time is spent away from study.

God continues to bless with teaching and reaching, speaking and seeking. Am
I going into a slight depression which seems to pervade my fibre when I
don't have a pressing task to distract my focus?

Many instances of the Holy Spirit arising as a teaching or discussion point
- prayer meeting, sunday school, sunday message, Keith Green devotional,
Rick Warren in PDL - certainly is allowing a focus on the entity and
character that He is.

Today's annoyance: secular (or Christian) music that mainstreams Angels as
a "new age" or spiritual representation of a "higher power". Although I
can't wait to see the angels in this world or the next, I think it is too
touchy feely and playing into the hands of an agenda of watered down
spirituality just to make the ignorant feel good about addressing the
spiritual. Maybe I am just extra grumpy today and should pull my head in -
Bah humbug!!


I want to write some fiction for the following reasons:

1. Andrew has challenged us today to do so.
2. It is something that I should be doing to allow the expression and
development of my creative desire
3. The unreal can be so much more liberating/satisfying/secure/benign than
the reality before us.
4. I feel that every day there is a function of fiction in the roles that I
play and the expectations others have of me. Is this just me or do we all
feel this way? Should I feel like a fraud when others are getting the
fictional me, or is my reality presented differently depending on audience?
Is the fraud not in the different representations, some more me than
others, but in the agenda or hoped for gain by presenting differently? If I
do it subconsciously is it to be held to account against me, or is it in
fact my reality? No conscious agenda must mitigate any guilt felt by
knowing the real me and the difference between me and what you

hmmmm - perhaps I had better spend tonight grounding in the real world -
hot date with Kel to go see Shrek 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 14, 2004

Collected thoughts during my absence

The other day I was in a coffee shop in the city and bumped into someone that I had only seen once in the last 6 years. He had started his military training a year behind me and left the Army after 8 years. He is now a contractor in IT architecture and very much at the cutting edge of technology and the attendant politics and money that go along with that field.

Our conversation was meaningful and pleasant, drifting along the way into purpose for life. He seemed to hint at an emptiness in his.

Relationships? ‘..they come and go’. Material satisfaction ..’London,…seaside apartments, …sports cars, …business investments…don’t know what else to spend my money on…wish I had more time to myself’ – go figure.

I had been studying sonnets for an upcoming exam at my table when he had come up to me. As we parted, he - to his chocolate chip muffin, I - back to my text; a life verse from the Bard was there before me. Once again a verse for the moment from a source other than inspired scripture.

Feeling a little of an under-achiever in the world’s view, my balance was quickly restored by the following:

Sonnet 29:

When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes,
I all alone beweep my outcast state,
And trouble deaf Heaven with my bootless cries,
And look upon myself, and curse my fate,
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featur'd like him, like him with friends possess'd,
Desiring this man's art, and that man's scope,
With what I most enjoy contented least:
Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,
Haply I think on thee,--and then my state
(Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth) sings hymns at heaven's gate;
For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth brings
That then I scorn to change my state with kings'.


How about this for a Christian mantra:

Giles Corey in The Crucible by Arthur Miller, upon being tortured to confess to witchcraft by large stones being placed on him will not give a ‘yae or a nae’, instead he cries but two words: ‘more weight’ and dies! How willing am I to cry “more weight” in defiance of the circumstance pressing down?!


Juxtaposition: On Thursday I say a nun driving a Subaru Impreza WRZ!


Thought from SS today: Joseph served a 20 year training program of perceived injustice as a slave, prisoner and Egyptian official, before God’s ultimate purpose was revealed for, and in his life.