Saturday, April 17, 2004

I'm Back (intermittent input)

Back on the air
Would anybody care!

For those who care to me,
they know why.
For those who don't care,
well - it hardly matters, does it?

A day traveling to the University of New England (the Aus version) in the New South Wales Tablelands. Once again planes, trains and automobiles have taken me into new dimensions of human experience. Some questions from today's conversations (with strangers):

Why do people just assume evolution is a given?

What possesses a man(?) to spend hours on a bus putting on makeup?

Why do retro play lists on Video Hits bring back such powerful memories? Is it a sad/bad thing that our reminiscent subconscious is triggered by cultural flags and not milestones from a Christian walk. Is this symptomatic of the blurring of insulation and isolation from the world?

My constant companions are the authors who provide the cultural measure of modern literary development. They demand my time and make me a servant; my time is beholding to them. I think K is getting suspicious of my new friends and wants to claim her position of number one love back. I must stall her until my relationship is complete. Oh that a man's helpmate would be so understanding in all issues.


Winter delays her arrival as the grass stays brown, the trees shed their perennial litter and the level in the water tank drops lower. Positives abound: the longer it takes to start using the fire, the longer the wood will last; the chickens have warmer weather to settle into their new environment; K will not have to "boost" the leckie B in my absence.


Shall miss worship tomorrow - what will the kids do without their number one monkey to lead them?

Enough vague ramblings from a miscreant muser.


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