Monday, May 17, 2004

Thought I Would Drop By


Kind of lonely around here. It has been a while, but I finally managed to call by. I see you have redecorated since I last came round. Looks OK, will take some getting used to.

So much to tell you since I last visited, it is lonely when you don't get to share your goings on..

...Yeah I know how you feel, kind of mean spirited to cut you out for so long but you know, with study and work and the dog and romance... sometimes priorities change!

...I don't mean to say you are a lesser priority, our relationship is important, but, well, the pressures of life can push you around, where you don't necessarily want to go.

...So what brought me here today?.. why do you ask, do you suspect my motive?

...No I am not here to avoid something else, what suggests that to you?

...Who told you that I have an assignment due? Was it Hootie?

...So what if there is housework to be done, you don't know that for sure, you never come around yourself!

...I know you only exist in the virtual world, but for an ethereal confidante (and that is being generous) you are making some heavy accusations.

...I'm sorry OK. I will try and visit more regularly.

So I like what you have done with the place, I'll try and think of a housewarming gift for you. If Andrew calls by let him know that I am around.

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