Tuesday, July 29, 2003

A busy mind doesn't allow you to mind your business

It is amazing how time can be stolen from you, particularly the time needed to clear your mind of thoughts that need to be captured so you can move on. Work has required 14 hour days for the last week ( and on til the end of this week ), so little opportunity has been available to indulge in self expression.

During that time several challenges have arisen. My wife is a grade five teacher and one of her student's mother died. This creates much sadness and consideration of what is important in life. Especially when you see the challenges that an 11 year old has to face in such a situation. Then on Sunday God challenged the very core of my attitudes - judgemental, self righteous, a lack of love, the sort of things that you really dont want to have pointed out, but result in an honest appraisal when considered appropriately.

Is it a shameful thing to confess that it was the first time in a supposed 24 year Christian history that the power of a sermon sent a tear flowing down my cheek? Is it testimony to the omniscience of God that he had me there at that time, to hear those words from John 5 - the challenge of the reality of Jesus and his life, the effect that his eternal existence should have on my every moment of being. How wonderful a God - that totally unrequired, he has made a way for us to have an eternal relationship with him - devoid of religion, piety, works, deservedness. If I really understood the reality of who God is and what he has done in allowing his Holiness to be made available to us, then I know that my life would be lived differently.

If I believe in Jesus and his death on the cross, if I appreciate the magnitude of that historical fact, would I be so blase with the knowledge? Would I care that those that come into my sphere leave it without exposure to the life giving truth? Would I crawl across the country over broken glass to share it with the one remaining soul who remains unsaved?

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Traffic lights and traffic delays

As I embed my inner thoughts into this medium I am going to bring thoughts from the past to this forum, just to build a foundation of who I am. The following was something that I wrote to some friends after one particularly introspective drive to work one morning. I hope it challanges.

Why is the light green but the traffic still not moving?

I was sitting in a long line of traffic this morning, waiting for the light to turn green. When it finally did, I pondered the age old question of why the traffic can sit still for so long when obviously the leading cars are moving (I know Lena has queried me on this very thing in the past!!). Considering the physics and spatial arguments which actually answer the query posed, I thought of how applicable that quandary is to our daily walk.

As individual Christians we have many green lights, but are unable to move due to others before us. As a Church body we have green lights, but collectively move off in fits and starts. If all cars could anticipate the change and move off together, traffic would flow more smoothly and the frustration of missing the green and having to sit through another red light would not occur. But physically this is not practical as each car must regain the space between it and the car in front to travel safely, and the reaction time of each driver also adds to the delay.

As individuals in the Church body, if we did not require so much space between us to travel safely then we could move together with the green. If we were in joint anticipation of the green light then we would also be able to start moving at the same time. The challenge lies in having the security to travel closely with each other and having a common view of when the red light will disappear.

There are many further illustrations that can be followed from the traffic analogy, but just as road users need to study the road rule book, so too we as followers of Christ must also follow the rule book given to us. Only acceptance and adherence to one set of rules will allow all to travel in harmony.


Tuesday, July 22, 2003


Welcome - I have been brought to this medium through a good friend who has paved the way for me by taking our mental musings over the years from the written page to email, and now to a publishing forum. A forum where thoughts are not restricted between a dedicated originator and addressee, but are available to all who care to be invited in.


We walk in this world but need to consider our lives with a view to the next one. Daily our Earthly Sight (read attitudes, opinions, knowledge, actions) is challenged, tempted, assaulted, lured, shaped. It is also fortified, strengthened, educated, enlightened, disciplined, rebuked, expanded. The difference in effect arises from what we put before our sight. This is where our Heavenly Vision or Eternal Perspective comes into effect. As Christians we should walk daily 'by faith, not by sight', this exhortation should embolden us to face each day in this realm, prepared for the challenges that come our way. If we fail to consider eternity in all we do, then our sight will lead us astray.

Thus an aspiration for the Christian walk should be - Earthly Sight, Heavenly Vision.

I hope those that join me here may get a greater understanding of what gestates in my inner being; and along the way would be challenged to enter into the discussion themselves.