Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Tropical TANtrums and Periodical POSTscripts

(sorri Andrew but I need to title my blogs for my own sanity)

So here I am trading a quiet Christmas at home relaxing in the mountains with the sounds of nature around me for a sweltering tropical interlude with the in-laws. The sounds of cicadas, cane-toads and a myriad of other creatures that reside within vast expanses of cane fields contrast against the holiday traffic that passes on the "back road"that runs by the farm - a back road that sounds as busy as most highways I have traveled.

But there lies the object lesson. On holidays - I thought- time to reflect down the personal back roads, the tracks that remain untravelled throughout the year. But when a stroll is undertaken to clear the steadily increasing undergrowth, to clean the cobwebs away that invariably cross at face height, I am surprised by the amount of traffic traveling to the destinations I have become unfamiliar with throughout the year, traffic that I have not intended to share a short journey with. So as I planned to spend time relaxing, enjoying the liberation from work and household commitments, I find I cannot find that space, I cannot break the tension within that normally shackles me to routine and obligation.

"Be still and know that I am God"
"Take no thought for tomorrow"
"Be anxious for nothing"
"In everything give thanks"

Meaningless instruction - should that be commands - unless claimed as promises for the payoff promised (then again what right do we have to expect anything in return for our efforts).

Enough banter - time to steel myself for the onslaught of increased family starting tonight!

Trying to remember the real reason for the season (Cliche) in a world that has no time or reason to give honour

Happy holidays!!!!Bah humbug:-)
