Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Cat update: "Angus" now officially resides with us, after a brief 4 day reunion with his owner, one distressed wife of this author and a hero's mission to convince the crazy cat lady that she really did not need 11 cats and he would be much happier residing with us.

The cat is cool, learning that my bed is not his bed at 0430 is a process he is coming to terms with. I am continually amazed at a simple animal's capacity to teach me new things about my existence. How I thought my world was shaped has had some elements challenged. And I am enjoying the newness of an extra responsibility.


As I sit in an airport lounge in Alice Springs, viewing the "outback" out the terminal windows I am reminded of the vastness of this existence and the smallness of my part in it.

From Success To Significance is a read that will challenge the purpose of your efforts. Balance, margin and motivation are all required - but the discipline to maintain the course must be constantly monitored.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Let me say this: I am, without any doubt, not a cat person. Never have been, never will be. Don't want one, can't stand an animal that shows no respect or obedience.

We now have a cat. 5 days and counting. Abandoned, cold, half its body weight, curled up in the back of the "dog kennel" on Mother's Day. Adopted us it seems. As I have said to many, it is not a cat! It is an animal in need of help!!

"Angus" needs to survive another 3 days without being claimed for him to become legally ours. One vet bill, cat odour in the kitchen, and a tugging on my emotions already tell me that he is mine.

So the message on my mobile from a lady down the road who called in at the vet and heard about our find scares me. "She thinks we have her cat". I don't want to call Kel and tell her whilst I am away. Back tomorrow night which means we only have to stall the owner for a day and a half and we have legal ownership!!

The cat, "Angus", the animal in need of help has taught me a lot in 5 days. Most of all it seems that some things in life are more important than others. Angus, your season with us may be over, but you will leave a legacy.

My boarding call is about to sound and I shall pass the message home as I walk to the boarding gate. A day in Sydney will drag contemplating the absence of our newest family member upon my return.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

I am sitting in the airport awaiting my boarding call, prepared for a home coming after a five day absence. My dog will come to the window as the driver delivers me to the front path. I will attempt to hurry with my baggage train up to the front door as the wet weather welcomes me with a reason to seek a hot shower. My loving hound will want to jump up on my leg as I juggle two suitcases, a laptop and my keys through the hallway. Upon opening the door to the living area my wife will arise from in front of the fire where she has been reading, sewing or pining for her beloved.

...if I make it home.

We have changed to an ealier flight due to an early finish today. Immediate thought - will I be watching the news tonight, in shock at the story about the flight that I should have been on, or will my wife be watching a story about my new flight, unaware that I won't be arriving as originally planned.

No logic or foundation truth behind these thoughts - maybe just a prompt to head back to the Qantas Club bar for a beer to bring me back to the reality that nothing will happen!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Nearly a month...

So nearly a month has passed since I thought I might be more diligent in my attempts to record something of worth in a self determined forum. Currently sitting in the Qantas lounge in Perth, awaiting a 4 hour flight back to Melbourne and continuing to wonder if the pace of life is draining my excitement or adding to it!!!

So many observations to make and so little capacity to think creatively. My journalling has been constant in the "private domain", but nothing worthy of common reflection.

PP is preaching into 1 Peter, with a real call to self evaluation last Sun. I feel like my faith is so compartmentalised at the moment. I am my own worst enemy, lacking consistency in attitude and action. The challenge to reconcile my head knowledge to my heart's desires leaves me feeling unfulfilled and disconnected. Again the need to focus on an eternal perspective would move thoughts away from my "plight" and place a perspective on my role in the big picture.

God sees my being through His love, and I can't see His face through my sin.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Warning: the following stream of consciousness results from a personal demand upon myself to write. Coupled with the mandate that once written it needs to be said, you are privvy to a rare open heart - much sentiment, but no guarantee of logic.

Here we are again, getting swept into the maelstrom of life as the sweet idyllic peace from the Christmas break rapidly fades as realities force their way back into my presence. Mid February and we are at full steam. This is great from a professional perspective, however at odds with the priorities I would like to afford to other aspects of my life. It seems that the secret to being "normal" is to give an appearance of balancing life's competing demands whilst walking the razor's edge within the mind between coping and imploding!!!

I read Ray Comfort's autobiography two weeks ago and it brought home the truth of the temporal realm. The need for an eternal focus as a priority, but this needs to be balanced against the competing demands of relationships, sustenance, ambition, pride, routine.

Do I worry too much about the little things? Who says they are little? If they cause internal debate then your judgement does not include an understanding of the impact of all that happens externally upon my internal being. When did you last care? How do you know who I am today? Can you assume that I am the same as the last time that you knew me? Who are you anyway??

Current activities to absorb my time and energy, thereby relegating the real questions to a pile titled "really important to do, but he's not smart enough to realise how much better (i was going to write easier, but God has given no guarantees of ease) life could be if he would have the guts to address them):"

1. half marathon next Sat.
2. first assignments due in 4 weeks.
3. finding a placement for teaching prac in second semester.
4. preparing briefing papers for industrial determination rulings (also known as doing my job).
5. changing the oil in my car when I get home tonight.
6. attending a writers' festival tomorrow where Frank McCourt will talk about Teacherman.
7. gritting my teeth to get through Church on Sunday.

Next time I will populate the list:

"really important to do, but he's not smart enough to realise how much better (i was going to write easier, but God has given no guarantees of ease) life could be if he would have the guts to address them):"

If you have read this far, thankyou for caring.