Sunday, October 19, 2003

no excuses, just the way it is

no excuses, just the way it is

So it is Sunday night and for the first time in a long time I have felt connected in worship, both socially and spiritually on a Sunday morning. What annoys is that I had to experience it without K - washed out and run down.

Tomorrow starts six weeks on ROAC - a necessary evil. At least I don't have to travel to attend. A chance to catch up with old mates, escape from the office and the daily shuffle which can sap the soul.

So Andrew has had a hair cut - quite ironic given my recent jibing.

Nothing profound today, except to say that a nostalgic tour down pop cultural lane tonight with an Aussie Rock retro documentary highlights pride in wanting achievement and recognition in this life. Why do we feel optimistic when faced with a time past, a reflection on missed opportunities? Is it bad? Ambition must be grounded in ensuring that I must decrease and He must increase.

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