Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Soul Patch

Yesterday I came back to work after four weeks break. The psychological preparation and domestic routine of setting the alarm clock, making sure my uniform was ready, thinking in advance as to what I would need for lunch all came to a head when I looked bleary eyed in the mirror at 0545 hours and faced the reality of having my first full shave in 31 days.

Friends told me that the tuft of hair growing under my bottom lip is known as a "soul patch". Now as I faced its removal the strength of the metaphor was apparent as I prepared to remove part of my soul and return to the vocational grind. Every holiday I grow my beard in one form or another as a symbol of outcry against the routine conformity forced upon me through
regimental standards. The stripping away of that facial hair embodies the return to a facet of my existence that is not entirely my preference.

It is not that I do not like my employment, it is more the opportunity cost that is associated with spending my time in my current fish bowl. But I know that what I do makes a difference and as I enter my 19th year in service I know that the time is coming closer when I will be able to make another choice.

There are a couple more weeks before I start this year's subjects for my post military role. Only three subjects this year and then I can move into the final year of preparation to teach. I am looking forward to building on last year's results. Yesterday I received a letter from Uni asking me to consider post graduate work. I think I need to consider myself seriously as a student now. Study is not just another diversion from the priority of life - maintenance of a "heavenly vision".

Emmanuel preached on Sunday and reminded us of the greatest threat to our purpose in the world - believing there is no hurry!.

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