Monday, September 22, 2003

Andrew blogged, I read, I responded and ....

Andrew blogged, I read, I responded and ended up venting on the current situation. Below is the heart of my missive to him

He wrote

I hope your Saturday morning gives you rest and peace and HOPE for the rest of the week -- because ultimately, I affirm that its not the presence of the institutions and their suckage that =s The Nothing --- it's the seeping & creeping away of HOPE in the bustle of trying to keep up with the great Sucking....and i hope that rest & hope leaves you feeling God's


I wrote:

My friend, your summary gains concurrence from this part of the world. I have a weariness in my bones, an ache in my heart and an emptiness in my soul that has its foundation in the gravel rash ravished across my bare butt as "the system" drags me along.

Where is the pressure release, when is there time out? Are we victims of the system, or victims of our dreaming of a better way? When do we have the right to punch out, to blame the world for our woes and accept that this is not the way we were created to be? Or are we obliged to accept that we are in the world but not of the world (a challenge) when the world seeks to be all consuming of either our time or our attention (interesting connect to the time vs attention management discussion). Do we have the right to want to be released from this bondage - is this part of our curse after the fall? How can we "Be still and know that He is God"? When can we?


I have little optimism today - my attitude is sapping my altitude - I spent the most glorious Saturday in the last six months, laying on a couch ill, while many priorities reserved for such a day went unattended. Last night I had four hours sleep - is this a bad time to be reflecting on the greater purpose of life?!

More questions than answers.

I trust that you are travelling well. Busy times, exciting moments, challenges for time, effort, mental energy. Kel has two weeks semester break, I am too weak and need a semester break!!

Spring descended with a passion on the weekend, but I was feeling shabby. The frustration. Today winter extends its tendrils into our fair season, with a gentle rain falling from a leaden sky outside - makes my mood easier to bear!!!

Still enjoying your passion for your craft - still searching for my own, passion and craft that is......


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