Friday, February 18, 2005

Administrative Admissions

I will be so glad when we get to the next life that there will be no longer
any requirement for administration!

The cycle of business meetings, tax returns, administrative instructions,
bill paying, investment monitoring, budgeting, in tray clearing,
conferences - they are all so not worth the effort sometimes!!

I envy the birds that I see in our yard.

The other day, as I was stacking wood (yes the preparation for winter
continues - each piece of firewood warms three times, cutting, stacking and
then burning) a honey eater flew past me into the bushes next to the wood
pile. Beautifully created with its long curved beak reaching into the heart
of each flower, feasting on the nectar within.

My favourites are the tiny finches that know you are about to reveal the
choicest grubs and bugs to them before you start to shift wood. They gather
around on the ground, waiting for the next morsel to be unearthed. Flitting
over the wood pile they embody the presumption of abundant provision that I
wish I had the faith to accept from God.

If I did not think I had to provide so much for myself, then maybe my
administrative overheads might not be so burdensome.

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