Monday, August 25, 2003

Tail gating, slow trucks, impatient speeding and road rage

From the other day:

Tail gating, slow trucks, impatient speeding and road rage

I drive to work on single lane country roads that are rapidly seeing housing developments extended out from the city limits. Traffic can get quite heavy and impatient, especially around morning and afternoon peak hour. The other day I was driving to work and had been tail gated by a couple of cars who then overtook in a rather dangerous manner, cutting in at the last minute on a blind corner. In front of my was a large tip truck towing a trailer, which these two cars then proceeded to overtake in a similar manner. My frustration at their actions was mounting until God dispelled it in a manner that only he could achieve with his heavenly sense of humour. As we rounded the next corner a similar truck to that they had just overtaken was pulling out infront of the two cars from a side road, forcing them to quickly slow down and not affording them any opportunity to overtake.

When I caught up to the cars at the first set of traffic lights it really brought home to me the spiritual application. How often do we not trust God to judge both the just and the unjust. He knows what we need and he will deal with others as they need to be dealt with. I am often frustrated by this world but need to recognise that God is in charge and he carries the burden of judgement, punishment and accountability, not I. And that realisation certainly makes the occassional frustrations on the road a lot easier to bear.

A Call for Balance and Priorities
From Chucky's radio segment and monthly newsletter:

We Worship our Work
We Work at our Play
We Play at our Worship

- a personal challenge for balance. The world will try and draw us away from a balanced state. I must not be deceived.

A Call to Perfection:

I have recently been challenged on the requirement of being Called to Perfection in "all" areas of my life. God doesn't want to be compartmentalised in my life. He wants free reign. I limit what he can do with my life when I limit where he can go in my life.
Another self defeating strategy that needs to be addressed if I am to maximise the potential for my Heavenly Vision given the use of Earthly Sight.

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