Friday, August 15, 2003

God doesn't call those who are prepared, he prepares those who are called.

God doesn't call those who are prepared, he prepares those who are called.

Ongoing interest over the years in creation and the fallacy of evolution. Recent weeks caught up on some reading on the matter - why? what purpose Lord?

Yesterday a deep conversation with the chaplain who turns out to be a qualified bio-chemist, reassuring to talk science with a man who has a scriptural view point. This morning I was able to open up a conversation with my car pool companion about evolution when he made a passing comment about it. Turns out he is Catholic, wife Anglican, believes in evolution but also believes in God! Good base level discussion to feel out each other and maybe set up for further comment. Enquiring minds still need to be willing to consider other options, and must be willing to look at other info - he was reluctant to take up my offer to look at some material because it "might prove his belief system wrong" - a bit head in the sand, but I am encouraged that we could talk about it.

Reminder that we don't need to create or seek opportunities, just listen for God's leading and be prepared for the opportunities when they arise.


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