Tuesday, August 05, 2003

On Resistance to Change, and why we Change our Resistance

Format for the posting screen has changed and my blogging mentor is not happy. I too am not keen, but this is a fairly normal reaction to something different, especially when it replaces something that makes up part of our reality, something that helps define our comfort zone.

If we are so adverse to change, is that why it can be hard for us to change our resistance to issues in our life?

Consider the frail arguments we throw up to friends, family, God when an attitude, decision or action needs to change - pride makes change hard on the inside, and apathy, laziness, an uncaring attitude makes life hard to change on the outside.

Anyway - the point of all this rambling after a week's abscence - not sure except I empathise with your feelings about the blog change Andrew. I have much to write, but little time. My one outstanding question is why can't I view my blogspot on the web?? Foiled by the very technology that has sought to free us!!!


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