Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Committed to writing but should be committed in writing

So I have chastised myself to be more disciplined and write as frequently as I can, not as frequently as I feel the urge. This requires some commitment and sacrifice – of time and attention (from competing demands) and the creativity to have something to say!!!

Now which is the more challenging?

And if the challenge exists for the writer, what level of challenge must exist for the reader? Are there any readers? How would I know? Would it really matter? Is it enough to know that someone might read, that thoughts have been recorded for possible consumption?

Perhaps it is enough to know that I am holding myself accountable and a quasi public record of achievement (or not) is enough of a reason.

Today K is back into the classroom and I know that means time and emotion stolen from our relationship. Perhaps stolen is too strong a word, for it implies a loss beyond control. More like a redirection from one aspect of our world and invested in another. That is how all decisions of priority need to be viewed. We should not be doing anything we do not want to, for if we are not investing in areas according to a priority we influence, then our time, effort, attention and emotion are being stolen from us.

The next question then is the criteria used to determine the priority list, and what happens to those issues that do not make the list? What if we still consider them “needful things” but have no heart in them? Just like the Stephen King novel of the same name, perhaps what we consider needful may not be at all.

Time to spiritualise – obvious connection in all this of temporal versus eternal aspects of all we do on our priority list! If our heart is set and our attitudes shaped by our relationship with God there should be no conflict.

Funny how a fallen world and a sinful nature can remove the logic from a should be!


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