Thursday, January 01, 2004

Finally back home

Finally back home, half day pit stop before driving up the road to my ma and pa's for dad's 60th birthday celebrations. Holidays are tiring - next week is already full of friends and family and then it is back to work for a break!!!

Jealous and Ashamed

A friend of ours has been fighting cancer for several years now. He has cancer through parts of his body and is now in the process of undertaking "last gasp" chemo. His bone marrow tests are clear so there is hope.

Prayers for him this day and onwards.

His situation makes me jealous and Ashamed.

He has an out from this fallen stage, the corrupted coffin of our journey and I sometimes wish it was mine. He may have an opportunity to walk away from this world and into the next, away from the daily hassle of responsibility, uncertainty, the sweat of the brow to till the earth.

Is that unfaithful, ungrateful. It makes me shameful.

But he may not see his children grow.
He may not grow old with his life companion.
He may not reflect on the challenges won and the trials lost.
He may not know the outcome of his age.
He may not see his Saviour return.

lead the way
lead with courage
let us be there for you.


By the way Happy New Year, or should that be faithful new year, prophetic fulfillment new year, loving new year, patient new year, thankful for my wife new year.

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