Sunday, January 18, 2004

Emotional motion emits emotive motives

Several events have occurred recently which continue to form ideas and feelings within me which, although seminal at this stage, are an evolutionary advance* on subliminal simmerings.

*(although scientifically speaking evolution through mutation involves the loss of information, not the gaining or further development of it)

Contentment (thanks Janet! - ever ready to pose a question out of the blue) – continually challenged in this area. So much to be thankful for, but still feeling that so much is missing. Needing to put what is currently in place, in its place ie perspective.

I have started my new job, which involves a positional promotion and increased responsibilities. It is nice to have ability and potential recognised, but highlights the need to have your heart in what you are doing. At the moment I feel that work drags me away from the desires of my heart: the challenge of career versus ministry, reconciling the everyday as the Fourth Frontier (ministry in vocation, as opposed to ministry as vocation).

Last night we went and saw Jars of Clay in concert. I had not listened to a lot of their music, but awesome sound and performance. As is usually felt at all big concerts (seeking the applause of man in my own life!), the awe of popularity and ability in this life; and the need to remember that one-day we will all be equally talented, as we are recreated in His image. Encouraged to see young people excited over Christian art form, but wondered how much is entertainment and the need for balance.

As always my darling K balances my melancholy with quiet enthusiasm and constructive support when needed. As she continues the last week of her holidays before 22 Grade 5s rule her life again, I pray that she gains the rest and reserve she will need to see her through the coming 10 weeks.

Crowning achievement this week: the growing pile of firewood in the front yard in preparation for the coming winter ( 7 trailer loads and 5 litres of two stroke). Low 30s this week ahead, but track suits and ugh boots today on the mountain!!

Disappointment: the dog has started digging in the front lawn again.

Solution: cover entire lawn with firewood!

Now you are being ridiculous.


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